
Beyond the Universe

Welcome to Grabity


Grabity is a non-profit technology consortium to develop dApps based on GBT, support open source projects, and promote its commercial adoption.

No matter how good technology is, if people don’t use it, it’s not a good technology. Today, a number of blockchains Mainnets are appearing and there are many applications that use them, but there are still some difficulties for users to use them.

Grabity thought the blockchain was a major obstacle in the process of expanding its usability. So, Grabity wants to create an optimal network that allows users to use the blockchain freely and conveniently even in mobile environments and deliver it to their users. Grabity doesn’t doubt that this process will make the blockchain even more usable and bring us deeper into our lives.

Our Project

  • planetwallet

    Planet Wallet

    Planet Wallet is the official decentralized wallet of Grabity. Maximize security and availability for your users. There will also be periodic wallet updates in line with the development of the Orbits Network mainnet. The typical characteristics of Planet Wallet are as follows.

  • orbits

    Orbits Network

    The Orbits Network is Grabity`s decentralized mainnet that draws a truly distributed P2P network by utilizing all idle computer resources that are wired/wirelessly connect. Transactions from Orbits Network are managed efficiently through Genesis Hoisting technology, which can process transactions simultaneously and quickly.

    Coming soon

Sometimes size doesn’t matter, we’ve worked for big and small alike. There’s love for them all.

genesis pentasecurity blockcrafters zbcapital blockcloud


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